Sunday Mornings
Sunday School @ 9:30 a.m. – for ages 3 (if potty trained, otherwise the nursery is available) thru 5th grade.

“Children’s Church” during church, after worship songs, for Kindergarten-Grade 5



Grades 6 – 12

Sunday School @ 9:30 a.m.

Special events as announced.

The Gospel Project
 Our study continues in December with the following passages:

December 1st

God Called Moses  (Exodus 1-4)


December 8th

Moses Confronted Pharoh  (Exodus 5-12)


December 15th

Moses Parted the Red Sea  (Exodus 13-15)


December 22nd

God Provided for His People  (Exodus 15-17)


December 29th

Moses Led the Israelites  (Exodus 17-18)